Canine Health Clinics
Helping to underwrite canine health clinics throughout the year is one of the most important things we do. It gives the opportunity for Cairn owners to have their dogs checked by a professional specializing in the field at a low cost, and it also helps breeders to screen litters to make sure they are not passing on, unwittingly, unwanted abnormalities.
Currently the Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America is helping to fund canine eye clinics (CAER/Ocular Melanosis), and canine ultrasound screenings for Renal Dysplasia.

Eligibility for Canine Health Clinics
Eligible Dogs: All dogs are eligible for testing at these clinics. However, host clubs may impose an order of acceptance, i.e., members’ dogs, non-members’ Cairns, then all other dogs belonging to non-members.
Eligible Clubs: Regional clubs under the CTCA. All-breed clubs are not eligible.
The host club will be reimbursed at a rate of $25 per dog, with 16 dogs being the maximum or $400.
The eye clinics must be performed by a Board Certified Ophthalmologist, and the ultrasounds must be performed by a Board Certified Radiologist.
The overall results of the clinics are sent to the Foundation of the CTCA, which, in turn, will share results with the appropriate researchers.
The reimbursement form must be received no later than 6 months after the date of the clinic and prior to September 30th.
Click below for a Reimbursement Form:
Canine Health Clinics Calendar

Canine Health Clinics
The canine health clinics listed below are run by individual clubs. Please contact the individual club to register and get more information.
Upcoming clinics will be posted here.
Previously Held Canine Health Clinics
October 9, 2021
Health and Wellness Clinics
Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America
Macungie, Pennsylvania
(TBA) Cairns examined for Kidney Ultrasounds, Microchipping, and Snap - 4DX Blood Tests
August 21, 2021
Health and Wellness Clinics
Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America
Greeley, Colorado
(TBA) Cairns examined for Kidney Ultrasounds, Microchipping, and Snap - 4DX Blood Tests
October 24, 2020
20th Annual Toto Eye Clinic
Su-Mac Cairn Terrier Club
(TBA) Cairns examined
October 26, 2019
19th Annual Toto Eye Clinic
Su-Mac Cairn Terrier Club
50 Cairns examined
October 5, 2019
Renal Ultrasound and Microchipping
Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America
Bensalem, PA
Renal ultrasound:
11 Cairns examined
6 Cairns
April 6, 2019
Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club
20 Cairns examined
October 20, 2018
18th Annual Toto Eye Clinic
Su-Mac Cairn Terrier Club
46 Cairns examined
October 6, 2018
OFA/CAER and OM Exams, Ultrasound Exams, and Microchips
Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America
Bensalem, PA
OFA/CAER and Ocular Melanosis Exams
15 Cairns examined
Renal Ultrasounds
28 Cairns examined
6 Cairns microchipped
July 21, 2018
Renal Ultrasounds
Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club
19 Cairns examined
June 23, 2018
OFA/CAER and OM Exams, Microchipping, and CMO Test Kits
Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America and Great Western Terrier Association
Irwindale, CA
10 Cairns examined
March 10, 2018
CAER/OM Eye Exams
Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club
22 Cairns examined
March 9, 2018
CAER Eye Clinic
Cairn Terrier Club of Greater Detroit
Detroit, MI
12 Cairns examined
October 28, 2017
17th Annual Toto Eye Clinic
Su-Mac Cairn Terrier Club
42 Cairns examined
October 7, 2017
Three Health and Wellness Clinics
Foundation of the Cairn Terrier Club of America
Bensalem, PA
OFA/CAER and OM Exams
15 Cairns examined
Kidney Ultrasounds
14 Cairns examined
CMO (Craniomandibular Osteopathy) test kits from OptiGen
43 kits distributed
April 2, 2017
Clinic for Kidney Ultrasounds and Liver Bile Acids
Potomac Cairn Terrier Club
November 6, 2016
CAER/Ocular Melanosis Screening
Potomac Cairn Terrier Club
60 dogs examined
August 6, 2016
CAER/Ocular Melanosis Screening
Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club
18 dogs examined