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Ask Angus
Do you have a question about caring for your Cairn Terrier? Browse the questions and answers below or email our Angus and he will try to help you out.
Angus courtesy of Sundog Pet Photography
Frequently Asked Questions
Dear Angus, What makes Cairn Terriers the best little pals in the world?Many things! My fellow Cairns normally weigh about 13 to 18 lbs.–the perfect size to tuck under your arm or travel under an airplane seat. Cairns are sturdy, energetic and very athletic. Activities such as hiking and climbing and even jumping into cars are pretty easy for most Cairns. We do need help when we are young puppies and of course, since we live such long lives, we probably would need assistance in our elder years. Personally, I enjoy trick dog and agility. I get to jump and run through tunnels! I hope you and your future best pal will enjoy these activities too. That’s my Cairn wisdom for today.
Dear Angus, My Cairn Terrier is limping. Is there an alternative to surgery?There are all kinds of reasons for dogs to be limping, but the most common cause across all breeds is a torn anterior cruciate ligament, more commonly known as a torn ACL. Foundation Trustee Mary Jane Lakota found great results for her Cairn using Conservation Management options as an alternative to surgery. Read More >
Dear Angus, My new puppy, a Cairn Terrier, is a picky eater. Can you give me some tips to know what to look for when selecting food?Sure, although I am not a picky eater, my good friend, Kathe Garrison was looking for help finding dog food that would be nutritious, tasty...and entice her puppy Greyson to eat. She met with small animal specialists at North Carolina State Veterinary Hospital and learned some important points to keep in mind when selecting food for your pet. She shares her insights in a new article. Read more >
Dear Angus, It may still be winter, but I know the warmer is coming which means TICKS!! Can you help me out with understanding and avoiding this creature?The first rule to avoid a tick bite is simply to stay away from the parasitic critter. Easier said than done, and once again “social distancing” from this miniscule and pernicious creature becomes the order of the day. Read more >
Dear Angus, Can you litter box train a puppy?Yes, dogs are smart–if I don't say so myself! Since you are using their natural instincts, you are more facilitating than training. Learn all about how to get started, tips and techniques in this article: Read more >
Dear Angus, I have heard that there is a toxic algae which can kill dogs. Is this true, or is this hype?This is a serious concern. For many dogs, there’s little better than plunging into a mucky pond on a hot day. However, be aware that many ponds today contain a type of algae that is extremely dangerous for your Cairn Terrier. We actually have an article on this – Toxic Algae Kills Dogs across the Country. Read more >
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